Few Writing Tips for Beginners

Where to start:

  • Ideas can come out of nowhere, so always have a pen and paper handy. Try carrying a small notebook around with you wherever you go. A lot of your fave authors have admitted to carrying around their own idea books so they never forget a great idea when it strikes them.


  • Read lots and lots of different stories/poems so you get a feel for what type of story/poem you would find interesting to write. If you’re really into adventure stories, or maybe love stories, you’ll find it easier to write about that because you relate to the topic.


  • Try and write what you know. Your story will be much more believable if you actually know what you’re writing about. If you’ve never been surfing but you’re planning to write about a world champion  surfer then your story might not gel so well. If, however, you’re a horse-riding fanatic and you plan to write about that, then you’re set! Still want to write that surf story? Go ahead and just learn as much as you can about your dream topic!


  • Let your imagination run wild. Think of what your characters will look like, where they’ll hang out, what their personality will be like–even what their favorite food is. When it comes to creating the stars of the story, you’re definitely the boss.



Time to write:

  • Sit down and have a rough plan of where your story is going to go. Know how it’s going to begin, develop and end. This will make it easier for you when it comes to writing it. From the skeleton plan, you can then expand your story further. Don’t worry if your story doesn’t always follow your original plan. Sometimes your characters can take you in directions you never imagined! Listen to them.


  • Think of a different way to begin your story that will get your reader hooked immediately. For example, if you’re writing a spooky story, try and avoid starting it with “It was a dark and stormy night…”. That line has been done to death in scary stories and you want to be original.


  • Try not to be predictable. Add a twist that your reader is not expecting. It’s the unexpected in a story that will make it stand out from every other story out there.


  • Make sure you cover everything you’ve introduced. There’s no point in having an event or character at the beginning then totally dismissing it for the rest of the story. So if there is a princess character at the beginning, make sure she gets mentioned again somewhere along the way.


  • Have a killer ending! It’s no use having a great introduction and build up if your ending is a dud. Endings should wrap up the story but also be memorable so your reader doesn’t quickly forget the story you’ve just told.


I hope these tips help a lot. Happy writing! 🙂


Saved by His grace.

2 thoughts on “Few Writing Tips for Beginners

  1. Hi ate Pauline. Your tips are good, really, but I think there’s something missing. Citation and references are highly important. It doesn’t have to be MLA or APA all the time. Sometimes posting where one gets the foundation of the knowledge at the end of the article goes a long way already. No one can be a writer without knowing how to acknowledge ideas from other people or other books or other fields. Just a note. This is crucial 🙂 And you will find more writers to possibly collaborate with one day. So there like what you said, “happy writing!” 😃 Never stop writing If that’s what you really really truly want to pursue. Hugs 💜

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